Oh, and one other thing ...

--- On Fri, 9/21/12, Jason Usher <jushe...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > It shows the allocated number of bytes used by the
> > filesystem, i.e.
> > after compression. To get the uncompressed size,
> multiply
> > "used" by
> > "compressratio" (so for example if used=65G and
> > compressratio=2.00x,
> > then your decompressed size is 2.00 x 65G = 130G).
> Ok, thank you.  The problem with this is, the
> compressratio only goes to two significant digits, which
> means if I do the math, I'm only getting an
> approximation.  Since we may use these numbers to
> compute billing, it is important to get it right.
> Is there any way at all to get the real *exact* number ?

I'm hoping the answer is yes - I've been looking but do not see it ...

> Ok.  So the dedupratio I see for the entire pool is
> "dedupe ratio for filesystems in this pool that have dedupe
> enabled" ... yes ?
> > > Also, why do I not see any dedupe stats for the
> > individual filesystem ?  I see compressratio, and I
> see
> > dedup=on, but I don't see any dedupratio for the
> filesystem
> > itself...
> Ok, getting back to precise accounting ... if I turn on
> dedupe for a particular filesystem, and then I multiply the
> "used" property by the compressratio property, and calculate
> the real usage, do I need to do another calculation to
> account for the deduplication ?  Or does the "used"
> property not take into account deduping ?

So if the answer to this is "yes, the used property is not only a compressed 
figure, but a deduped figure" then I think we have a bigger problem ...

You described dedupe as operating not only within the filesystem with dedup=on, 
but between all filesystems with dedupe enabled.

Doesn't that mean that if I enabled dedupe on more than one filesystem, I can 
never know how much total, raw space each of those is using ?  Because if the 
dedupe ratio is calculated across all of them, it's not the actual ratio for 
any one of them ... so even if I do the math, I can't decide what the total raw 
usage for one of them is ... right ?

Again, if "used" does not reflect dedupe, and I don't need to do any math to 
get the "raw" storage figure, then it doesn't matter...

> > > Did turning on dedupe for a single filesystem turn
> it
> > on for the entire pool ?
> > 
> > In a sense, yes. The dedup machinery is pool-wide, but
> only
> > writes from
> > filesystems which have dedup enabled enter it. The
> rest
> > simply pass it
> > by and work as usual.
> Ok - but from a performance point of view, I am only using
> ram/cpu resources for the deduping of just the individual
> filesystems I enabled dedupe on, right ?  I hope that
> turning on dedupe for just one filesystem did not incur
> ram/cpu costs across the entire pool...

I also wonder about this performance question...

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