Hi Charles,

Yes, a faulty or failing disk can kill performance.

I would see if FMA has generated any faults:

# fmadm faulty

Or, if any of the devices are collecting errors:

# fmdump -eV | more



On 10/04/12 11:22, Knipe, Charles wrote:
Hey guys,

I’ve run into another ZFS performance disaster that I was hoping someone
might be able to give me some pointers on resolving. Without any
significant change in workload write performance has dropped off
dramatically. Based on previous experience we tried deleting some files
to free space, even though we’re not near 60% full yet. Deleting files
seemed to help for a little while, but now we’re back in the weeds.

We already have our metaslab_min_alloc_size set to 0x500, so I’m
reluctant to go lower than that. One thing we noticed, which is new to
us, is that zio_state shows a large number of threads in
CHECKSUM_VERIFY. I’m wondering if that’s generally indicative of
anything in particular. I’ve got no errors on any disks, either in zpool
status or iostat –e. Any ideas as to where else I might want to dig in
to figure out where my performance has gone?



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