
I've ordered a new server with:
- 4x600GB Toshiba 10K SAS2 Disks
- 2x100GB OCZ DENEVA 2R SYNC eMLC SATA (no expander so I hope no SAS/ SATA problems). Specs: http://www.oczenterprise.com/ssd-products/deneva-2-r-sata-6g-2.5-emlc.html

I want to use the 2 OCZ SSDs as mirrored intent log devices, but as the intent log needs quite a small amount of the disks (10GB?), I was wondering if I can use the rest of the disks as L2ARC?

I have a few questions about this:

-Is 10GB enough for a log device?
-Can I partition the disks (10GB + 90 GB) and use the unused (90GB) space as L2ARC? -If I use the rest of the disks as L2ARC, do I have to mirror the L2ARC or can I just add 2 partitions (eg: 2 x 90GB = 180GB) -If I used non mirrored L2ARC, Could something go wrong if one L2ARC device failed (pool unavailable,lock in the kernel, panic,...)?

Michel Jansens

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