At 04:49 PM 9/26/02 -0700 Geoff Fowler favored us with:
>One Internet site to try is . It reports 
>Caucasus and Afghanistan news items that definitely do not make it 
>into the US / North American press. Note the article "Woman in 
>Khost kills 2 Americans" - I wonder if it is true or if it will 
>ever be noted in any US publication?
>I cannot, however, vouch for any reliability. It seems to have a 
>pro-Muslim bias...

I'm sure that there is a Muslim bias somewhere.  Why doesn't it get reported better in 
the USA press?  Perhaps our leaders and media don't want us to know what the enemy is 
giving as its reason for hating our guts.  If the concept of "know your enemy" is 
important at all, I would think we would want to know why they are so mad at us even 
if the reasons are stupid and false.

Curiously, no one is talking.  I smell propaganda.  I don't like propaganda.  I makes 
me very insecure.

John W. Redelfs                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Don't put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the 
day after tomorrow." -- Mark Twain 
"All my opinions are tentative pending further data." --JWR

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