On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 08:41:57 -0600 "Marc A. Schindler"
> Oh, I forgot to add. If you're interested in what's happened in the 
> 27 years
> since the Joseph Smith Papyri: an Egyptian Endowment was published, 
> try
> http://www.fairlds.org/pubs/LBOA.pdf a piece of scholarship which 
> is, imo, all
> the more remarkable because it was written in two weeks by an 
> amateur* (the speed
> pressure was because FAIR wanted to have something to hand out to 
> people who came
> to see the anti-Book of Abraham video). Kerry Shirts is working on 
> an even more
> technical response but that won't be ready for a few weeks yet.
> *I am not using the word "amateur" in the pejorative sense, but in 
> the sense of
> someone whose vocation is not in that field, but who has studied 
> enough to be
> considered a scholar in the field. As we have no professional 
> theologians (and
> don't want any, thank you very much -- they just end up competing 
> with legitimate
> priesthood authority like a few BYU religion profs I could name) 
> amateur scholars
> is what we're going to get. They're humble enough to submit to 
> Church authority
> but committed enough to master their field and give the anti-Mormon 
> professionals
> a run for their money.

Thanks for the URL. You are welcome to check out my URL if you like. I
have spent many years studying the controversies surrounding the mystery
of the Joseph Smith papyri and provide simple, clean, and easy to
understand answers.


Paul O

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