This is the follow on to "Charting the Book of Mormon," which is also quite
useful.  As long as one is careful to avoiding becoming "wise," but instead
endeavors to immerse oneself in the culture and background of the specific
set of scriptures, and in the correlations that abound therein, these types
of aids can significantly expand one's ability to be taught by the Spirit.


Marc A. Schindler wrote:

Guess what. I just picked up the mail and got my copy of FARMS'
"Insights." Guess what the featured book is? "Charting the New
Testament." Here's the blurb: A new book from FARMS offers a world of
information about the new Testament and its background. "Charting the
New Testament" contains scores of charts, tables, and graphs, each with
a helpful explanatory and reference materials in a reader-friendly
format. Covering a wide array of topics -- from the ancient Jewish
setting of the New Testament and the world of the Greeks and Romans in
which the activities of jesus and his apostles took place to detailed
analysis of the scriptural text itself -- the book offers an extensive
overview of matters doctrinal, literary and historical....Also included
are detailed maps of various regions mentioned in the New Testament and
bibliographic notes that lead the most interested readers to scholarly
treatments of the topics contained in the charts..."

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