I have to disagree with Paul on this one. I know several high priests who
barely eke out a living. I've been one for 14 years, and was only a Buck
Sergeant in the Air Force when first called. I promise you, they don't
get the big bucks. 

My current bishop works as the general carpenter for the YMCAs here. To
make ends meet, his wife also works (their kids are all big). And I could
give you many other examples, and not only here in Alabama, either.

Yes, I think that the Lord has finances as a consideration for who he
calls to certain callings. Moreso, I think the Lord considers a person's
talents and capabilities for a certain calling, especially in a
presidency. Just as the Lord is going to call a healthy brother to be
bishop, over one that is homebound; The brother who has developed many
talents is of much more use to the Lord in the work than one who has not
developed his talents. Such a brother is likely to have become successful
in business also.

Next, the Lord uses people who work hard. Imagine a bishop who only gives
a couple hours a week to the calling. The ward would fall apart! The Lord
looks for hard workers, dependable people who he knows will sacrifice the
television programs and leisure time, in order to serve faithfully. This
type of person also happens to be the type who tends to succeed in

Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO have
shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smith    gszion1 @juno.com    http://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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