Not all of us are required to prove theories.


At 03:55 PM 11/04/2002 -0900, you wrote:

After much pondering, Gary Smith favored us with:
No, it is postulating a theory. Once a theory is set out for all to read,
then it is up to the rest of us to disprove the theory by testing it
against known evidences. That does not yet make it a fact, as future
evidence can always refute a theory. Without theories, we would not
advance in science or knowledge. The danger comes when we convince
ourselves that a theory is a fact, when in fact, it isn't.
So basically what you are saying is that I can forward any way out weird theory, maybe like something that Velikovsky or von Daniken might write, and the burden of proof is on us to use evidence to showing how wrong headed my theory is.

I disagree that a person can responsibly postulate a theory and then expect it to be accepted unless someone can disprove it. Even a theory needs to be supported with some kind of evidence. Otherwise it isn't even a theory, just a wild speculation.

You know what would make a good story? Something
about a clown who make people happy, but inside he's
real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea. --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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