I have been doing a massive search on the multiple Ebsco full-text databases on the term "antigravity." And I have been amazed by some of the things I have been reading. Apparently, according to Scientific American, Science News, Time magazine and others, recent discoveries indicate that the "big bang" that allegedly started this universe is not slowing down as expected, but is speeding up. Many responsible scientists are saying this turns everything on its ear because it suggests that in some parts of space there is not only gravity, but antigravity.

Well, of all the sciences, physics is the one that I expect the fewest surprises from. I mean the top people in the field agree on basics. And one of the assumptions has always been that gravity is the same everywhere in the universe. But low and behold it looks like this may not be the case.

Question: If gravity varies from place to place in the universe, why couldn't such other phenomenon as inertia, centrifugal force, etc? And if these most basic forces are not constant throughout the universe, just how can we know anything for sure?

Do any of you propeller heads know anything about this? If you like, I can post a couple of these stories to the list. Just let me know.

"Atheistic humanism is the opiate of the self-described
intellectuals" --Uncle Bob
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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