If a testimony is only based on how often the Lord can get me to follow Him, then I could be in trouble not because of God but because of my stubborn will. How do I know I'm not at fault? My testimony never alone rests on my puny experience.


At 05:50 PM 11/05/2002 -0600, you wrote:

>A testimony should never rest on whether or not the sea actually parted
>a'la Charlton Heston, but on how willing and capable He is in helping
>succeed in following His commandments.

Hmmm. How about the Jaredites and their incredible floating barges? Could
they be nothing but a faith promoting story along with other stories from
the mistranslated bible? Frankly, there are stories in the Book of Mormon
that I find hard to believe. I accept them all on faith just as I do the
stories from the mistranslated Bible.

Paul O

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