I agree, but no matter what we do we will be overrun. I don't know if I agree with the prevailing LDS sentiment that we will prevail, either. I suppose one has to ask what is meant by "prevail." If you mean win but only with a tiny fraction of people left, I don't really call that winning.


At 10:04 AM 11/08/2002 -0900, you wrote:

After much pondering, Jon Spencer favored us with:
I can respect your opposition to the way things are going, and part of me
agrees with you - but only part.  I hope, along with you, that your
prognostications are not correct. But PLEASE don't go so far over the edge
in stating the reasons for your opposition.  It scares me!  You are supposed
to be one of the sane ones.
It is not a political issue. It is a moral issue. America is the aggressor because Afghanistan and Iraq are on the other side of the world. How is that for being concise?

Your friend and brother,
John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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