No, I dare say I'm the only blind one on here. Yes, I see this happening, all of us against Islam, not now but in the future. Because the whole world of Islam will need to come out and become involved in the conflict. The moderates will be swallowed up by the Islamicists.


At 03:45 PM 11/08/2002 -0500, you wrote:

What do you mean?  Did you read what I typed, or are you, too, going blind,
like Ryan and myself?

I will restate my sentence in different terms for you:

It would not matter if Russia and/or China had an existing mutual defense
treaty with Iraq [sidebar:  the mere thought is extremely funny!].  Neither
the Russians nor the Chinese would honor such a treaty even if it existed.
This view is certainly strengthened by the UN SC vote today, where both
Russia and China voted to support the US resolution.



Marc A. Schindler wrote:

Which votes? France and Russia voted in favour of the new US resolution at
Security Council where they, along with the US, hold permanent seats.

Jon Spencer wrote:

> It wouldn't matter if they did - they wouldn't honor them.  Especially
> considering their votes today in the UN.
> Jon
> John W. Redelfs wrote:
> > After much pondering, Stacy Smith favored us with:
> > >I basically believe we will attack and they in turn attack us.  We will
> > >then incite the entire Islamic world and all will turn against us.
> >
> > This is the likely scenario from my perspective.  I wonder if either
> Russia
> > or China have secret, mutual defense treaties with Saddam Hussein. --JWR

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