They did not take part in the Gulf War and are against any unilateral moves
against Iraq, but voted with the rest of the Security Council in unanimously
adopting the most recent resolution regarding Iraq.

The most current information I could find on the Mexican Foreign Affairs site are
links to two documents, but the documents apparently are mislinked or are not on
the server, but the descriptions give you the general idea: (type in "Irak" and it will return
2 documents.

For indirect (press) statements, see: (Mexico currently has one of the
10 seats reserved for countries other than the permanent members [US, Russia,
Britain, China and France] on a rotating basis)

Stacy Smith wrote:

> Where do the Mexicans align themselves?
> Stacy.
> At 02:01 AM 11/09/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >Marc, that's great!  You can now go to those books and read how we put
> >people into the area immediately, and then built up our forces unilaterally
> >over a several month period before ever establishing an international
> >coalition.  Now just as then, we had some instant allies such as the British
> >Commonwealth.  However, the rant and rave that I hear from the left is that
> >that is not an international coalition.
> >
> >Well, now we seem to be gaining one.  Just like then.
> >
> >After you refresh your recollections, you can thank me for helping restore
> >your memory! :-)
> >
> >Jon
> >
> >Marc A. Schindler wrote:
> >
> >Jon Spencer wrote:
> > >
> > > By the way, to offset all the history revisionists, if you remember, under
> > > Bush 41 we acted FIRST, and then built a coalition, not the other way
> > > around.  Does anyone need the history lesson, or do you remember now?
> >(Dan,
> > > I'm not saying you said this, it just popped into my mind as a result of
> > > this post.)
> > >
> >
> >Really? Then how did all those British, Canadian, Australian, Egyptian,
> >Saudi,
> >Omani, UAE-ese, Turkish, French, lessee...., Qatari, Yemeni troops, planes,
> >and
> >ships get there along with the US forces?  Do you know who the Commander in
> >Chief
> >of Desert Storm was? I have the whole order of battle on my bookshelf.
> >
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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