I should answer my own earlier, rhetorical question to make one point plain (and I
agree with what you said, btw, this is just an additional point): vis-a-vis
coffee/tea and caffeine. I would not have a problem with the occasional popping of
a caffeine pill if you're driving late at night for a long period of time, for
instance, but I'd do it with great care, as it's also an addictive drug. OTOH, I
wouldn't drink decaf coffee, either -- to me that's a clear violation of the WoW.
Your verstage may vary.

For an Albertan, despite this being the home of k d lang, who we consider as a bit
of an, er, aberration, anyway, it's hard for us to give up our meat. We had emu
meat the other day, and Cathy was tempted to pick up a couple of bison steaks at
the farmer's market at the main mall in Spruce Grove last weekend, but it was a
bit pricey so she settled for SuperStore beef.  When I was young and reckless (as
opposed to being middle-aged and reckless), I used to entertain customers -- take
them to lunch, and even on rare occasions, to dinner. We once had this small group
come up from the U. of Michigan. They had developed a special array processor
which would have application in the oil industry (seismic processing is computer
intensive) and our company was going to represent them in Canada. So I took the
group to Smuggler's Inn on Macleod Trail in Calgary, which featured, and I kid you
not, 24 oz prime rib (remember: that's all meat -- no bone, like a steak). It was
a good inch thick and covered the whole plate. The president of the company
ordered it on a dare from one of his techies, and when it arrived, he just kept
staring at it, saying, over and over, "I can't eat this, I can't eat this..."  I
settled for a more "reasonable " 16 oz ;-)

I know a cowboy restaurant/bar off the LBJ freeway in Dallas which serves 48-oz
steaks. We used to have a restaurant in Edmonton, called the Ranchman's, which
served them, too, but I don't know if they still do.

Once I took some Scottish doctors and nurses to lunch at a British pub on Calgary
Trail (Mark will probably know the Lion's Head, in the office tower/hotel complex
just north of Whitemud Crossing). They decided to have venison on buns, and after
the nurse from Aberdeen, a sweet lady about a year from retirement, was halfway
through it, I leaned over and said, "You know, of course, Mrs. Crampton, that
you're eating a Bambiburger?"  She almost threw it across the table. I'm so mean.

Jon Spencer wrote:

> We all know the caffeine thing.  (Actually, one of the funny little side
> comments from the movie "Singles Ward" is about how his girlfriend is less
> than enthusiastic about him because she found a couple of empty Dr. Pepper
> bottles in his car.  Ya gotta see this movie if you haven't!)
> I clearly didn't mean that it meant that we should be vegetarians (given my
> signature line).  However, I think that the meaning is quite clear, and that
> we would probably all do better, and receive more blessings, if we followed
> the WoW a little more closely than we do (myself included).  And I do not
> need to rely on the prophets for something that, as far as I know, they have
> not commented upon.  I believe that it is up to me to understand the best I
> can.
> And as far as I can tell, the veggies live the WoW better, on this topic,
> than does the average member I know (myself included).
> Jon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Marc A. Schindler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 11:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] "Social" Mormons (was: Liberal dems unveil...)
> I think it means what it says, but the point is that modern-day prophets
> have
> defined what the WoW means for us. I'll give you an example. Many people
> assume it
> means no caffeine, but if that were the case a good portion of OTC drugs
> that we
> take would be verboten. Is decaff okay? No. Clearly we're not to drink
> coffee or
> (green/black) tea. That's what it means, not "no caffeine." We tend to get
> bogged
> down in unimportant details.
> But in any case the phrase you quote doesn't mean vegetarianism, as a
> vegetarian
> will eat no meat, not just "eat meat sparingly."
> Jon Spencer wrote:
> > So exactly what does (paraphrasing from memory) the following mean: "eat
> > meat sparingly and only in the winter" ?
> >
> > Jon, soon to be on his way for a quarter pounder with cheese
> >
> > Marc A. Schindler wrote:
> >
> > Again, I say, we should follow the commandments of the prophets, and they
> > have
> > told us to get involved in politics. I don't see that that implies
> > necessarily
> > that we'll get involved at the expense of the Gospel. Quite the opposite,
> > since
> > we're doing what we're told to do. It's just like the Word of Wisdom --
> some
> > people take it to extremes, trying to convert others to, say,
> vegetarianism
> > on
> > the supposed basis of the WoW.
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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///  http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html      ///

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