I bought a copy of the Extended Edition DVD of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship 
of the Ring yesterday.  Man, I can hardly wait to view the extra 30 minutes of 
screenplay.  This movie will wear well with time; there's so much rich depth.  Instead 
of growing out of the film people will grow into it.  And to think that there are two 
more coming!

When all three are finished people will undoubtedly consider The Lord of the Rings as 
one of the greatest film achievements of all time.  The next two films in the set will 
likely be every bit as good as the first.

And for those that like extra bits, this first Extended Edition is already the best 
DVD release of any movie ever.  While I don't particularly care about anything except 
the extra screenplay, others will wallow joyfully in the additional two disks of 

=========  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =========

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