Gary Smith wrote:

> I didn't declare all the universe as wrong, only parts of it.

And those parts of the restaurant that periodically disappear. Annoyingly, it's
often the kitchen. That's how French haute cuisine was invented. I'm not making
this up...

> And as for
> the hubris, I apologize, I had some onions last night and they are doing
> something quite unnatural (kind of like Stephen's math).

Now Gary, you're reacting emotionally, not rationally. Get a whole on yourself or
you'll end up a quaternion short and a Plutonian day late.

> Besides,
> Euclidean math only works because we all agree it does. Yet, we have also
> had to develop exceptions to it, like imaginary numbers.

Taken in the spirit intended, but seriously, mathematicians consider imaginary
numbers to be just another set of numbers, like the Natural Numbers (the counting
numbers, positive integers). Sometimes they're supersets, just like the Whole
Numbers are the Natural Numbers plus zero and the Natural Numbers' negatives.

Complex numbers are supersets of Real Numbers and Imaginary Numbers.
Complicated numbers include my home phone number, and are a superset of
middle-aged absent-mindedness.

> Hubris, indeed!
> And then there are those scientists and religionists that demand the
> universe be a certain way, when there's really no way to tell. How do you
> fit dark matter and string theory into an Euclidean universe? It ain't
> easy, unless you change the rules. That's what Einstein had to do in
> order to come up with his awesome theories.

Again, on a serious note, the media seriously mis-reports this kind of thing. The
language actually used by scientists studying this (mostly Gedankenexperiments on
the chalk board or using software simulations [it is, after all, hard to count
using 10^-34 as your counting increment ;-) These kinds of physicists usually just
perform Gedankenexpriments only to the extent that chalk or whiteboard markers are
toxic -- the experimenters have the most fun with kilometres-long toys to play
with as they do the grown-up equivalent of building a sand castle and then
stomping down in; blowing atoms aparts to look for force carriers (such as gluons,
which, iirc, are the carrier of the strong nuclear force).

I can't wait until David, our youngest* gets home from Christmas. I've wrapped up
a deluxe edition the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, with some additional
material. We always give each books we secretly hope the other person will read
carefully so the giver can "borrow" it ;-) We've had some good discussions on
things like a multiplicity of 3D worlds existing as hyper-planes, which for
purposes of convenience, to avoid admitting some trig to the model) which are like
papers in a filing cabinet that are forever rustling, vibrating back and forth in
a 5D pace

*who I keep telling all and sundry, but I *think* haven't mentioned this on this
list (no more than six times, anyway, of that I'm sure), but he's a 3rd year
astrophysics student at Queen's, arguably *the* most prestigious university in the
country (like MIT in the scientists, although U of Waterloo, where IBM's WATFOR
and WATFIVE assemblers [if you know what I'm talking about you're either old
enough to be a Dry Priest, or old enough to be married to one, in principle.
Anyway...David. He aced his physics mid-term exam (100%) and got 95% on his
mid-term chemistry exam.  We know who inherited the smart genes in my family (er,
from my wife, actually. Yes dear, see -- I changed the wording for those good boys
and girls at Zion-L.

Two worst things that ever happened: giving women the vote, and giving my wife my
password so she can read my email. She has never read any posts on Zion-L that I
know of, but she's heard rave about this really smart guy (even if our political
views differ on *some* subjects) and can't wait to meet him a week from today.
She's prepared one of her best: curried chicken on steamed rice.  Take *that*,
Mark Gregson!!! [in-joke between JWR, Mark and me; which reminds me, Mark, you
could well have a better library. I had to give away half my books because my
company was paying for the move, but only up to C$10.00 for a trip that we took
more leisurely, about 4 days and 3 nights, going from Ottawa to visit my little
baby cousin (I was her first babysittr when I was 16 and she was a newborn, with
flaming red hair. I placed her in the middle of a green lawn that needed a little
trim, then walked back about 10 metres. She looked at me, not knowing whether to
be afraid or not, and it was feling of vulnerability that I managed to capture on
film. If she'd only smoked cigars, I could have whipped it from her mouth, and
capture a non-nonsense scowl, like the great Uncle Winnie from the church on the

Einstein was a great man --he's widely considered to be one of the Three Stooges.
No, wait, leding lights of post-Reformation western science, the others being
Charles Darwin and Galileo.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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