You are right and I am wrong (except on one minor point)-- on re-reading it, I see
he bases his calculation on the Julian calendar, not the Gregorian calendar, which
is what I assumed (since his conclusions are expressed in terms of the Gregorian

Here's a link that explains this in much more detail:
Another one that explains the history, but note that they *did* use a different
calendar, so their January 6th was not our January 6th.

Here's an excerpt: "The fact that we follow a different calendar (almost all
Orthodox still follow the Traditional Paschalion), from that followed by the world
around us is good. It marks us out as a distinct and peculiar people, that "kept
the ways that are hard" (Psalm ?). We have a practical advantage in keeping the Old
Calendar in that we can avoid the noisy and crass commercialism that is secular
Christmas, and usually, also that surrounding secular Easter. "

What I learned that was helpful was that while Augustine makes references to 25/12
as being Christmas, and he lived moe than 500 years before the split between the
western and eastern churches. But it seems that the eastern churches had developed
their liturgy differently than the western churches anyway, so both dates could
have existed simultaneously, with 25/12 in the west in the Julian calendar at
first, but before too long the Gregorian calendar, and 06/01 in the east on the
Julian Calendar. The change in Russia, when it occurred, subtracted almost 2 weeks,
which means Julian 06/01 was the same as Gregorian 25/12 -- and that was the
assumption I was going on. But as I said, I see that he accounts for this

Steven Montgomery wrote:

> At 12:11 PM 11/14/2002, Marc wrote:
> > >
> >
> >The June 12, 2 BC conjunction in Virgo, moving into Leo, was the one I was
> >thinking
> >about, in fact, and I see that Pratt discusses this approvingly.
> >
> >His reading of why Eastern churches celebrate 06 January as the day of
> >Christ's
> >birth is laughable and shows an extreme ignorance of history. It was
> >December 25th
> >under the pre-Gregorian calendar by the time of the Renaissance, and
> >Russia did not
> >adopt the Gregorian calendar until after the Russian Revolution. The "Glorious
> >October Revolution" actually happened in November, for instance.
> Guess you'll have to take that up with Jack Finegan, author of, _Handbook
> of Biblical Chronology_, as that's who Pratt uses as a footnote. Besides,
> it appears that you are wrong. Epiphany which means manifestation (as in
> God being made manifest through his birth into mortality), is celebrated by
> many churches but began with the Eastern Church on January 6th of the
> Julian Calendar.
> I wonder who's extremely ignorant of history now. ;-)
> --
> Steven Montgomery
> Recall the new star that announced the birth at Bethlehem? It was in its
> precise orbit long before it so shone. We are likewise placed in human
> orbits to illuminate. Divine correlation functions not only in the cosmos
> but on this planet, too. After all, the Book of Mormon plates were not
> buried in Belgium, only to have Joseph Smith born centuries later in
> distant Bombay. (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Conference Report, Saturday
> Morning, Oct 2002)
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer, nor
those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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