Doug McGee and I met John Redelfs on his arrival at the SLC airport 
yesterday.  Doug treated us to dinner at the Cafe Pierpont downtown.  We 
spent an enjoyable evening in conversation, until the restaurant 
proprietor complained that we had overspent our time, whereupon John and 
I parted company from Doug.  John and I travelled south to Provo, where 
we located the student apartment of John's daughter Becky.  The three of 
us had a delightful conversation, mostly discussing the merits of Star 
Wars.  After a nice visit, I left them and departed for Sanpete County.

John and Becky are preparing to pack the contents of a fairly well 
furninshed apartment into a very small car, to continue their journey 
back to Alaska.  Looks like there will be significant donations to the 
local DI, which is conveniently close.

We made plans to get together again on Tuesday morning, to attend the 
10:00 a.m. session at the Provo Temple.  John and Becky are hoping to 
depart from this locale travelling northbound, at a very early hour 
Wednesday morning.

Mij Ebaboc

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