"John W. Redelfs" wrote:

> Stacy Smith wrote:
> > Then why can't the church take an active stance on caffeine if that is
> > the
> > real problem?
> Because the WoW is not so much a health law as it is a spiritual law.
> It is one of the ways that the Church uses to determine which members
> are serious about the restored gospel and which are not.  That is why it
> is one of the temple recommend questions.  But temple recommend
> interview is not asking us about caffeine, meat, eating sparingly,
> drinking mild barley drinks, etc.

When my mother, who had a hard time giving up tea and coffee when she joined the
Church in the late 50s, switched to Postum, at the suggestion of one of her mentors,
Barbara Benson Walker, ETB's daughter, whose husband was our first bishop. Postum is
basically made out of roasted barley. I couldn't stand the stuff, but I think she
still drinks it. In Germany they have another barley drink, but its name escapes me
at the moment.

> It is specifically asing us about
> tea, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco.  Beyond that there are a lot of
> things we can  do to improve our health.  It is just not that part of
> the WoW that the Lord is currently using to deterine temple worthiness.
> Maybe the Lord should include regular aerobic execise, or avoiding too
> much salt, or cutting down on our cholesterol, etc.  He could have
> included these things in the WoW if he had wanted to. But he didn't.

He could have also told the early Saints to boil their drinking water they got from
the Mississippi, which would have prevented a cholera epidemic Nauvoo suffered
through at one point, iirc. But he didn't. I'm with JWR on this -- it's only
superficially about health. Put another way, health becomes a kind of type for
spirituality. It's a law of obedience and helps set us apart as a spiritual
community, as Zion.

> I think it is wrong for me to drinks Cokes, but not because it is a WoW
> violation.  I don't think it is.  The reason I think it is a sin for me
> to drink Cokes is because I become addicted to them and lose control
> over how many of them I drink.  But every person is different.  A lot of
> people can drink Cokes without becoming addicted.
> So, caffeine is a bad idea for those who have a weakness for it.  But it
> is not mentioned in the Word of Wisdom and is not part of it any more
> than avoiding fatty foods or using too much white sugar.
> Besides, several places in the New Testament the Savior teachines that
> true religion is not a matter of meat and drink but charity, loving our
> neighbor, administering to the needs of widows and orphans, etc. If we
> get hung up on WoW, we are going to overlook the more important parts of
> the gospel.
> Or at least that is the way it seems to me today.
> Your friend and brother,
> John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Stacy.
> > At 05:43 PM 11/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> > >I have heard that tannic acid is used in the making of coffee and tea
> > >and
> > >that can be more harmful than caffeine.  It's kind of reminiscent of the
> > >WhiteLies anti-smoking  campaign telling us what is REALLY in a
> > >cigarette--it ain't just tobacco.  Yet I can remember not so many years
> > >ago when it was "cool" to smoke "Kools" etc.  My how things change in a
> > >couple of decades.
> > >
> > >On the subject of caffeine, as for me and (sometimes) mine--I have heard
> > >President Hinckley, twice, say on national television that we do not
> > >drink soda with caffeine, and that is good enough for me (is this a
> > >liberal stance ;-p).  My two inactive sons do their own thing with that,
> > >but when I drive to the temple in Chicago, and afterward go to Jewel to
> > >stock up on caffeine free Dr. Pepper, they are ecstatic.  I have not yet
> > >been able to get local bottlers to get the caffeine free DP here.
> > >
> > >your sis in Mishawaka
> > >val
> > >
> > >On Sat, 16 Nov 2002 10:11:19 -0800 Stacy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >writes:
> > > > What else does coffee have in it besides caffeine?  Are there other
> > > > active
> > > > ingredients?
> > > >
> > > > Stacy.
> > >
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author solely;
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