Okay, now I'm afraid what I have to say could be considered totally whacko, revolutionary and grounds for me to be committed to a psychiatric institution, but here goes. Within certain parameters, and even outside them if you know what to do, I believe firmly that we can tell our bodies to do something and it will be done because of our belief in the intelligences behind our body parts. On a couple of instances I have been able to tell my body to do something and it has done it.


At 11:13 AM 11/22/2002 +0000, you wrote:

Adaptation that can be properly characterized as "mimicry" in plants is
indicative of some mechanism or force that cannot be accounted for
within the current domain of evolutionary philosophy.  My belief is that
the science of evolution cannot accomodate or explain the gradual
development of complex subsystems that confer no adaptive advantage to
the organism before they are wholly in place and fully functional.

In the case of plants which mimic an aphid infestation, it is not
possible for any isolated individual characteristic of the multiple
adaptive changes required to begin "mimicing", to give these plants any
higher level of "fitness".  For example, "aphid"-like stem growths may
consist of several changes at the tissue level of the plant to
effectively serve as "aphid" mimics.  Disruption of the regularly smooth
deposition of phloem and epidermal tissue layers must take place, to
mimic the irregular shape of aphids attached to the plant stem.
Subsequently, the irregular tissue must assume contrasting pigmentation
to complete the hoax.  Neither feature is useful as a "mimic"
independent of the other.

Since neither feature independent of the other provides the plant with
any evolutionary advantage, any motivating cause for such changes is
lacking, and there is nothing to support the idea that the plants
developed these features through adaptive evolution.

Mij Ebaboc

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