Frighten their enemies? If anything, it seems to me this would embolden their enemies. After all, if one wants to shout "Here I am," it would seem to me the logical thing would be to show themselves. If, on the other hand, one wants one's identity to be hidden to confuse the enemy, the smart thing is to try to confuse one's enemies by looking just like them.


At 10:28 AM 11/22/2002 -0700, you wrote:

>>> Stacy favored us with:
>You know what never made sense to me?  Why would the Lamanites
>mark themselves?  I'm sure the Taliban never marked themselves up
>to be identified.

The Lamanites were ultimately marked anyway, by God (see 2 Nephi
5:20-21). Any additional marks they put upon themselves were probably to
frighten or scare their enemies, which the Gadianton Robbers led by
Giddianhi tried to do in 3 Nephi 4:7-10. People who revel in sin may
mark themselves, whether or not they know that by so doing that they are
openly declaring their rebellion against God (see Alma 3:18).


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