Well, how many of them are diagnosed with true ADHD?

I think that is part of the issue. Without going to the expense of sending
every missionary so diagnosed to a recognized specialist, the church needs
to accept the decision of the missionary's family doctor. But how was that
diagnosis made: the patients request, the parents request, the _schools_
request, or how? If the number of missionaries on Ritalin is truly that
high (I'm not convinced of this, which is why I asked if anyone else had
heard of it) then I believe there is cause for concern. I have a hard time
accepting the claim that such a large portion of society is incapable of
functioning in our society without the use of chemical augmentation; some
certainly, but that many?


At 03:01 PM 11/21/2002 -0700, you wrote:

>Dan R Allen wrote:
>This very subject came up in a meeting I attended recently, and a
>statistic was thrown out that I found rather shocking: 40% of
>missionaries from North America are supposably on Ritalyn. Has anyone
>else heard this?
>It seems more likely that this report is conflated with other legitimate
>concerns.  It is widely reported that Ritalin is popular for
>prescription drug abuse on college campuses.
>I would need to see more substantive information sources to think that
>Ritalin would be so widely prescribed for young missionaries.  And based
>on my own observation, I seriously doubt that illegal drug use is a
>widespread problem among Church missionaries.
>The comment wasn't made in the mode of abuse/illegal use, but the belief
>that a large number of missionaries are reporting to the mission field
>pre-existing prescriptions, and that it might be playing a factor in where
>missionaries are assigned (the assumption was that the drug and
>prescriptions are easier to maintain/fill in NA.)
>I do know that it is heavily prescribed, whether justified or not I can't
>really say.
>It was brought up in a larger discussion about the number of people in the
>ward suffering from depression, and the church's change to being more
>supportive of people using drugs to overcome it.

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