> The one fly in the ointment is that rural students fair much poorly.

A quote from the report:
"Alberta students did exceptionally well: Rural students outscored even the urban ones 
of all other provinces except B.C., Quebec and Newfoundland."

So there you have it, folks.  Albertan farmers are smarter than your average city 
slicker.  Apparently my children's school, which is in a small town of about 1,000, 
scores up near the top academically.  Others have noted this and swamped the school 
this year with requests to have their children attend there even though they don't 
live in the school district.  The school had to turn away many.

But I'm very surprised about Newfoundland.  They have earned their reputation 
honestly, from my experience, so I'm flabbergasted that they scored so well.

=========  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =========

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