(no spoilers in this email)
Yes, I will be taking a few hours off work on the Friday after "The Two Towers" comes 
out to go see it.  That way I can get in at the matinee price of $8.50 instead of the 
evening price of $13.50.  Once again, I will be taking my oldest son.  My wife wants 
to come to this first viewing with me.  Last year I just went with my son because I 
didn't want her distracting me with a barrage of questions about the movie.  What to 
do?  Do I let her come with me to the first viewing?

For those who have not read the book but have seen the movie, "The Two Towers" is far 
more action packed.  Your senses will reel at the visual and aural onslaught.  Not 
_my_ senses of course.  I will be drinking it in with a large funnel.  Since the 
second movie was shot at the same time as the first, the feel is essentially seamless. 
 This is something never before seen in any major motion picture series.  In fact, has 
any set of movies ever been shot in this way before?

=========  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =========

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