At 07:50 AM 12/3/2002, you wrote:
On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 21:59:23 -0700, "Marc A. Schindler"
> Too true. I guess I'm sensitive about the issue because I sweat profusely
> from my
> face (around the front of the hairline, and then back to the nape of the
> neck).
> But when you think about it the only way obesity would make you sweat is
> that you
> simply can't be as active as thinner people. Some think the fat layer is
> an
> "insulator" but in fact, it's the opposite: since it is so rich with
> blood
> vessels, it's also a "radiator," and I suspect (but can't prove) that the
> radiation effect is stronger than the insulation effect.


I too sweat profusely. I am overweight and suffer from the same sort of
prejudice. I have had to repeatedly explain to people that the nerves
that sense temperature are on the OUTSIDE of the fat, not the inside, so
whether my skin indicates the temperature is high or not is not dependant
on my weight.

Actually, there is one mechanism by which an overweight person will tend
to be "hotter" than someone who is not overweight. That is due to the
fact that body heat is generated inside the body, but radiated from the
surface. Anyone with a little geometry should be able to recognize that
an overweight person has a higher volume per serface area and thus more
ability to generate heat compared to their ability to radiate it.

I think, however, that this is a minor issue compared to other factors.

The one thing that I have had cause to wonder about is if perhaps the
cause and effect relationship between being overweight and feeling hot or
sweating isn't the other way around. I think there is enough evidence to
suggest that perhaps people who feel the heat more and tend to sweat a
lot therefore have a higher tendancy to be overwieght. In other words,
the weight factor is not the cause of the sweating and feeling of heat,
but either a cause or another effect of something else that causes both.

In my experience and what little study I've made of the issue, the ratio of lean body tissue to adipose tissue is the biggest factor in determining whether one feels hot or cold. The more muscle a person has the higher his BMR (Basic metabolic rate) and therefore the "hotter" a person feels. Less muscle mass means a lower BMR. In other words, a person who weighs 250 lbs but has only 10% body fat will have a higher BMR than a person who weighs the same (250 lbs) but has 30% body fat.

I know from experience that such is the case. When I was younger I trained with weights so had a high percentage of lean body tissue than I did years later when I weighed exactly the same but hadn't kept up the training. I was definitely "hotter" then as opposed to now.

Steven Montgomery

Recall the new star that announced the birth at Bethlehem? It was in its precise orbit long before it so shone. We are likewise placed in human orbits to illuminate. Divine correlation functions not only in the cosmos but on this planet, too. After all, the Book of Mormon plates were not buried in Belgium, only to have Joseph Smith born centuries later in distant Bombay. (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Conference Report, Saturday Morning, Oct 2002)

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