Well, I've been working on it tonight/this morning because I have insomnia (how's
that for a "spiritual motivator?") I got about halfway through and found a couple of
embarrassing typos along with the rest of the formatting (don't use Netscape
Composer on Word docs, at least, not Netscape 4.72).

Stacy Smith wrote:

> I'd love to see that one when you get it good and cleaned up.
> Stacy.
> At 06:45 PM 12/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >If you want to learn more about trinitarianism (albeit from an LDS pov,
> >where I
> >attack it), I've written 2 versions out of a planned series of 3. The
> >first was
> >printed in FAIR's early series of monthly newsletters, and was the "short"
> >version. The "medium" version is on my website at
> >http://www.members.shaw.ca/mschindler/C/trinity_1.html  I've promised FAIR a
> >"long" version eventually, but it's taking time (well, it *is* the long
> >version,
> >after all, and I want to make sure I understand some of the twists and
> >turns the
> >doctrine has taken in its long and confusing history before I try to
> >attack it)
> >
> >Jon Spencer wrote:
> >
> > > I checked at our store today, and lo and behold, we do have the book "How
> > > Greek Philosophy Corrupted the Christian Concept of God."  I added it
> > to our
> > > website, with the following description (actually, only the first two
> > > paragraphs would fit - but you get all three!).  It is a very good book,
> > > well worth the reading.
> > >
> > > Jon
> > >
> > > "How Greek Philosophy Corrupted the Christian Concept of God" brings
> > > profound new insights to the Trinitarian doctrines of "orthodox"
> > > Christianity. With clear and precise documentation, the book shows how
> > these
> > > doctrines migrated into early Christianity from Greek philosophy. The
> > > various aspects of Trinitarian belief are isolated, linked to their Greek
> > > sources, and carefully analyzed to show how they differ radically from
> > > biblical teaching.
> > >
> > > The writings of early Church Fathers, portrayed in their historical
> > context,
> > > show that during the second century theological concepts taught in
> > Platonism
> > > were adopted as Christians struggled to end Roman persecution.  Emperor
> > > Marcus Aurelius, a famous Stoic philosopher, was putting Christians to
> > death
> > > because their beliefs did not conform to the Hellenized religion of the
> > day.
> > > The book shows that the early Church Fathers sought to save their people's
> > > lives by re-defining the Christian God in Greek terms.  Their efforts
> > > brought metaphysics to Christianity and ushered in concepts like the
> > > Trinity.
> > >
> > > After presenting the historical setting in which these philosophical errors
> > > were embraced as Christian doctrine, the book compares orthodox Christian
> > > theology today, called "classical theism," to biblical teachings.  The book
> > > identifies how Greek philosophy has influenced each of the major attributes
> > > of God taught in classical theism.  Modern theologians are challenged on
> > > numerous doctrinal points that found their way from Greek philosophy into
> > > ancient creeds, but are found wanting in the light of careful theological,
> > > historic and scientific analysis.  This book constitutes a major challenge
> > > to those who accept the tenants of classical theism, but do not know the
> > > many aspects of their doctrine that are based on Greek philosophy.
> > >
> > >
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> > >
> >
> >--
> >Marc A. Schindler
> >Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland
> >
> >“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
> >will pick
> >himself up and continue on” ­ Winston Churchill
> >
> >Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
> >solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s
> >employer,
> >nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer, nor
those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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///  http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html      ///

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