I was trying to suggest that the doctrine of trinity, with its idea of a
universal constant referred to as "God" and manifest as the three
personages, is based on a true LDS doctrine of a manifestation of a constant
standard of what is a God in infinite forms of exalted Gods.  Not that the
defective doctrine is true, but that it comes from a variation on the truth.

The problem is that the doctrine of the trinity is so convoluted we cannot
if discuss it without being subject to the same requirements of confusion
and misunderstanding.

Not much simpler is it?


----- Original Message -----
From: "John W. Redelfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [ZION] "heck" ain't cussin

> George Cobabe favored us with:
> >Marc - would it be true to say that we LDS believe in a universal
> >of Godhood, and what is entailed in that high station, and see infinite
> >manifestations of that universal concept?  What is "God" is a universal
> >constant that many, many are exalted to conform with?
> Would it be possible for you to rephrase this more simply?  I am afraid it
> is above my reading level, and I don't understand. --JWR
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