George Cobabe wrote:

> Marc, rather than start another political yelling match with you about the
> USA and our policies, I will just say you are all screwed up and let it go
> at that.

Okay. But I never did any yelling. No one ever proved me wrong on the last issue
about the role of spokespeople in the Westminster system. Let's remember that two
claims were made by Jim, who started the thread by posting an article from the
Toronto Star:

1) the comment about Bush being a "moron" was made publicly. I showed (as did,
indeed, the article itself) that it wasn't public. I got a "so what" kind of
half-hearted acknowledgement from someone -- either Jim or Stephen, I can't
remember which -- but that's all.

2) the comment was made by a politician. As a civil servant in a Westminster-style
government, I explained why she wasn't a politician. You will never see a person
like Francie Ducros giving a public statement -- it's always the minister who does
(we consider this one of the basics of "responsible government" which means the
minister is the one who is responsible, and everything in his or her department is
always done in his/her name; civil servants never issue statements or hold press
conferences like they do in the U.S. I never got an acknowledgement that Jim was
wrong in his assumption that the rest of the world acts like the U.S. in this

But you're free to express an emotional opinion, as we all are.

> I am reminded of the old story of the Stallion and the horse fly.  The fly
> kept biting the horse but when it was all over the fly was still an insect,
> and the horse was still a stallion.
> So keep biting at the USA if it makes you feel better as a Canadian, but
> remember what is true in the end.

You are being presumptuous about my motives, and you're wrong, too. But if helps
you feel better to hold this belief about my motives, go for it.

> It is always easy to criticize when you are out of the loop and unable to do
> anything about it.

I don't understand this comment. I believe I was *in* the loop on that issue,
since I happen to have first-hand experience of the process involved.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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