Many thanks for the first-hand account. The story of what happened on the
easement, as reported on KSL is making the rounds of the Internet. Odd (well,
maybe not) that it takes idiots like Kurt Van Gordon to "p*** in their own
manger," as my uncle used to say . KVG was the instigator behind most of the
demonstrations, and who loves to try to sue anyone who 'defames' him [I only write
this without trepidation because I am safely in Canada. Not that he couldn't hire
a lawyer up here, but he'd have to find Canada first, as the old joke goes].
Anyway, he's well-known to many LDS apologists and is one of the more obnoxious
breeds of anti-Mormons. Even the Tanners won't have anything to do with him.

Jim Cobabe wrote:

> The gathering at the city council meeting last night was a zoo.  I got
> there about 6:00.  The public comment session was supposed to begin at
> 7:00, but the crowd had already filled up two overflow rooms and was
> winding down the corridors, and there were already many hundreds of
> people waiting.
> A small group with a vocal presence was the most disruptive.  These were
> "Jesus" people, come to threaten the Mormons with hellfire and
> damnation.  Several of these gained the microphone during the open
> period.  They asserted that Jesus commands their belligerence and
> rudeness.  One of them asserted that the Pledge to the flag which began
> the session should have been directed to Mormon dictatorship.
> Most of the speakers I heard were actually rather thoughtful,
> notwithstanding the few nutty fanatics.  Quite a number of them were
> prominent members of the community.  I don't know what collective wisdom
> the city council might have derived, putting it all together, but it was
> an interesting exercise in democracy.  At least no one can complain that
> there was no public forum in the decision-making process.
> One of the ideas that came to me while the anti-Mormon faction was
> pounding the pulpit was that we ought to revive the spirit of Porter
> Rockwell.  These ugly public bullies would not be so bold if Rockwell
> was around.
> I suggested eariler in a letter to the Deseret News that the "Whistling
> and Whittling Brigade" might also be a good notion to resurrect.  When
> the Nauvoo Charter was revoked by Illinois in 1845, following the murder
> of Joseph Smith, Nauvoo lost the legal right to enforce laws, and became
> a target for troublemakers.  Nauvoo Church leaders organized a gang of
> young men to identify such parties as they entered the town.  The boys
> would press around these ill-intentioned characters, saying nothing to
> them, but busily whistling and whittling, with an obvious display of a
> lot of sharp knives.  Apparently most of the bad men were immediately
> discouraged and quickly left the town.
> Perhaps such a scheme could serve to preserve the peace at Temple Square
> while the arguments continue.
> ---
> Mij Ebaboc
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Knowledge may give weight, but accomplishments give lustre, and many more people
see than weigh.” – Lord Chesterfield

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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