I never said you were the only one who wants to see this happen. What I
did say is that there may not be enough blind people wanting Church
publications accessible to the blind on computer to make it financially
feasible.  The Church has to weigh the needs of all people's access to
the scriptures and other manuals, and spend the money in the most cost
effective way to reach the most people it can.

If the Church has $1 million dollars to spend, and there are 10,000 blind
people wanting additional access, or the Church can use the million to
translate the Book of Mormon into a language for 1 million people; where
should the Church spend the million dollars?

It isn't that there isn't a demand for more access for the blind, but
whether there is enough to bump other worthy projects in order to provide
the scarce funds.

K'aya K'ama,

Gerald (Gary) Smith     
http://www.geocities.com/rameumptom/index.html         LDS Evidences,
Family History, Food Storage, etc.

You wrongly suppose I might be the only one who wants to see this happen.

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