I can direct you to our local station's news story and what our local
libraries are doing about it.  Most libraries already have signs posted
telling patrons about the new Patriot Act's policies.



On Wed, 28 May 2003 05:37:40 -0700 Stacy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well, I'd like more verification that this is actually taking place.  
> I 
> understand that "censored e-mails" have just been a joke.  I'd like 
> to have 
> verification that the government is keeping tabs on what I am doing 
> at the 
> Braille Institute, for example, or what I'm doing in my doctor's 
> office.  Or how about what books I download off the NLS web braille 
> site?  I'd like verification of what is happening.
> Stacy.
> At 02:35 PM 05/27/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >Okay Zionisti:
> >
> >For a looooong time, I have perused and mused as I read John 
> Redelfs'
> >thoughts on conspiricy theories.  You see, I grew up with a dad who 
> spoke
> >very much the way John does, and so, as progeny often will, I
> >intentionally went opposite in my thinking from where my dad was.
> >
> >See, I had this altruistic view of our government, that they 
> wouldn't
> >intentionally do things that would harm us.  My dad must have read 
> one
> >too many books etc. etc.
> >
> >Now-- ever since 9/11 I feel that our government has been doing 
> its
> >darndest to, not gently erode the constitution, but to take 
> massive
> >chunks of our freedoms under the thinly guised pretense of 
> protecting us.
> >  This has bothered me for some time, and I get uneasy everytime I 
> hear
> >people say "I understand why they need to search my body for 
> hidden
> >weapons. . .blah blah blah [or should I say baaa baaa baaa]."
> >
> >Tonight, though, came the straw.  Under the provisions of the 
> Patriot Act
> >(sounds so. . .patriotic!) the feds can, at will, check out what 
> you are
> >reading and checking out at your library!!  This includes not only 
> books,
> >but ANYTHING you've read on the Internet.  Of course, "they" say 
> that it
> >is only used for suspected terrorists etc., but come on!!   The 
> news also
> >reported that they can find out what you've been buying at the book
> >stores as well--under the provisions of the Patriot Act.
> >
> >Our founding fathers must be having fits as they watch the masses 
> accept
> >this with nothing more than a shrug of the shoulders and a quick 
> "Oh
> >well."
> >
> >Does anyone else see this or feel the same way?  Or do I need to 
> get a
> >prescription for Prozac?
> >
> >your cynical sis in Mishawaka
> >val
> >
> >
> >.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.
> >互户互户互户互户互户互
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> >
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> >
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