I had great hopes of finding a list where I could discuss gospel topics with
true believers and not have the anti -Mormon baiters always jumping in with
their obnoxious comments.

It would be nice if the fellow participants would be willing to discuss
without being judgmental if we happen to disagree a bit.

 I am still looking and would be interested if one of those 10 might fit the

Otherwise I will likely just give up and go back to my study and figure it
all out by myself.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Goodbye

> When you consider why people leave certain lists, I find you must consider
the other lists (if any) a person may review.
> Although, I consider myself a "lurker", I'm a member of about 10 other
mormon related lists, and I like this one the best.
> When you consider what is being said on some of the yahoo groups, like
thinker, polygomy, libertarian, etc; this is the most tame one that I have
come across.
> Scott McGee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven asked: "Why leave the list because of the few?"
> I completely understand Gary's reasons for leaving. Once upon a time,
> this list was place where we met together with friends and discussed the
> gospel and all kinds of other things. It was a great source pleasure and
> an opportunity to meet many new friends too.
> Now, however, the list has changed to be more of a debating society. It
> is a place where people come to debate and contend with each other about
> gospel related (usually) subjects.
> Like Gary, I have thought of leaving the list. The major reason I have
> not is that there continue to be a number of good friends (like Gary,
> also JWR, ELF, Grandpa Bill, and many others) who post occasional notes.
> I enjoy this association with them, even though it is often hidden among
> the other posts. I would probably have already left the list if volume
> weren't so much lower than I can afford to wade through the rubbish
> looking for my friends.
> The list, as a whole, brings me no more of the joy it once did. I just
> loath losing touch with my friends.
> Oh, one more point. I used to read each and every post to the list. Even
> when there were were hundreds a day! When you start skipping threads and
> such, however, you start to lose interest in most of the day to day
> chatter that makes up the list. THat is the biggest problem with those
> who say "if you don't like this discussion, just delete it!" Once you
> start that, the list becomes just a list of email messages, not a
> community to you. That is what has happened to me, and why, one day, I
> will likely leave too.
> Scott
> -- 
> I'd rather be riding!
> -------------------------------------
> web site: http://themcgees.org/scott/
> /// ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at ///
> /// http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html ///
> ---------------------------------
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> The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
> --
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
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