Jim Cobabe:

I wept when I learned of this sad news.  Is something amiss 
in the Church, that the Lord would allow one of his temples 
to be destroyed?


It is sad, but I seriously doubt anything unusual is amiss.  
I think there was a construction accident.

Larry Jackson


When I start to get overconfident, I remind myself of Laman and Lemuel's
perspective on the righteousness of the people. Quoting from 1 Nephi
Chapter 17:

"we know that the people who were in the land of Jerusalem were a
righteous people; for they kept the statutes and judgments of the Lord,
and all his commandments, according to the law of Moses; wherefore, we
know that they are a righteous people."

Do we, today, suffer from the same lack of visual acuity? How hard is it
for us, collectively, to see the need for repentence? If I read the
scriptures correctly, I see a time in the future when the parable of the
ten virgins will be fulfilled (D&C 45). I read of a time when the
'vengence will come speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth... And
upon my house shall it begin. (D&C 112)

For an answer I would have to look to God and the prophet. When I listen
to President Hinckley, I hear a very positive message. I have to assume
that each one of us must seek confirmation of that message from God that
we are a righteous people and have favor in His eyes.

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