Here's an age-old quandry (expressed in the 5th paragraph, but the
previous paragraphs set it up so I thought I'd include them) that I
recall being discussed in General Conferences during and after World War
II, and used to be discussed during the Great Days of the Zion list (back
when we weren't too uptight to let our hair down and have an occasional
food fight).  I was wondering if you had any comments you'd like to add. 
(This sort of discussion goes on alla time in the Mormon Gamers list.)

 "Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
are doing the impossible."

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Michael Hopcroft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      This seems completely irrelvant, but I thought I'd fill you in a
aboyt what's been happening.
      A week ago i was cleared to go back to full duty at my day job as a
school custodian. It still hurts my back to put in a full days work, but
according to my P.T. my back is healing very nicely and is at about 95%
of normal. The one problem is that my doctor prescribed a medication I
can;t obtain, so I have to rely on over-the-counter medicines, herbal
remedies and whatever I can find to provide relief from the soreness
involved in using a set of muscles that is still healing.
      Last Saturday I had to work. But ti was for a good cause. A techaer
Ainsworth elementary School had been murdered by her husband 9who then
fatally shot himself) and we were preparing the school for her funeral.
In reflection, it was a great service I was able to perform in helping a
community say goodbye to a beloved teacher. It also cuased me to relfect
on the strange combination of the world's cruelty and Heavenly father's
mercy. I will never know what demons drove that terrible act, but
knowing that both of these people who the world treated so cruelly will
get a second chance at salvation was a great comfort to me.
      Seraphim Guard has had a very busy week. We just got two projects
the mutants & masterminds Superlink program approved by Green Ronin and
work will begin on them as soon as a writer is under contract. Since I
am becomign so much of a freelance house and will soon have many more
writers under contract than i did previously, I'm wondering if I still
qualify as an independent publishing house. I just wish I had the money
to go with my position so that I could do regular print runs in addition
to my e-publishing. I'm still taking PayPal sponsorships for HeartQuest
Second Edition, by the way.
      One of the new M&M projects I'm farming out poses a very
question about the superhero genre. What is an ethical superhero to do
if he lives under a corrupt or despotic regime? Basically the plan is to
do a book about the "superhero scene" in seven real-life cities around
the world, including several cities that were either formerly or
presently under the sway of dictators. One of those cities, in fact, is
recently-liberated Baghdad. From an LDS perspective this poses some
disturbing questions. The Articles of faith urge us to obey kinbgs,
presidents, principalities and potentates. Yet if that potentate was a
man like Saddam Hussein of F.W. DeKlerk (one of the other cities int he
book is Johannesburg) we cannot expect them to return the favor. the
question is posed even more strongly in a book i want to publish about a
world ruled by a supervillain. (To do that book, though, I'd need to get
the rights back -- I had originally tried to write that book over a
decade ago long before I started my own company). it doesn;t help that
this supervillain is trying to set himself up as a God-on-Earth....

Michael Hopcroft, Publisher
Seraphim Guard:
LDS Gamers Mailing List:
Coming soon: Hopcroft Hobby Games -- Online RPG Sales with the Personal
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