Heidi Page:

... I've got one for you.
Any suggestions as to how to help her?


[sick humor alert]
Well, according to this discussion, she was obviously 
living in sin since she was still with her husband, 
and she should go to her bishop and repent.
[end sick humor]

Now, disregard that.

I suspect she has already spoken with her bishop 
about her former husband's situation.  If she has 
not, she should.

If she has, she should speak with her stake president.

And then, hardest of all, she should leave it to them 
to do as they will.  At some point or other, supporting 
priesthood leaders becomes the hardest thing a person 
has to do.

She should also know that the bishop will be held 
accountable for things he knew and should have acted 
upon, but didn't.  That accounting is left up to the 
Lord, of course, with guidance from the bishop's 
priesthood leader, the stake president, who is also 
accountable to the Lord for what he does and does not do.

These kinds of things make my problems and challenges 
seem quite simple.

Larry Jackson

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