I had a great experience last Sunday at our Stake Conference.  (It was, in
fact, both our last and our first Stake conference.  Our last in the Raleigh
NC Stake, and our first in the new Apex NC Stake.  But that is another

I saw a man go by.  He was someone that I had home taught in the past.  The
man had serious drug problems, and he had required a serious amount of time
and patience.  I didn't really understand how much he had affected me
personally at the time until I broke down in tears talking about him at an
AlAnon meeting.  He finally moved out of our ward and I no longer home
taught him.  He didn't come to church any more in his new ward, and I lost
track of him.

But here he was at Stake conference!  I was almost speechless!  The Single
Adult rep from his ward came in late to our bookstore last night (Sat
night - that's when I often do the books for my wife - the SA rep called and
we were still there late, so she came by to pick up something she had
ordered).  She asked me, completely independently, if I knew Rick <name
withheld>.  I of course responded in the affirmative, and she proceeded to
tell me how Rick still talked about me (in the positive, since I guess he
really didn't get to know me :-).

Sometimes we don't know how much we really do affect people.  While Ricky
was not a new convert, having joined the Church at age 19 to pursue a girl
(and ... well, that's his business), he really was a new convert.  What we
need to do for some of them is to love them, and show that love by our
actions, our patience, our not being judgmental, and our steadfast adherence
to the standards we promise to uphold and out expectation that the new
member can maintain these standards as well.

I cannot express in words what I felt that day, seeing him there.  That
moment made every second I had spent with him a few years back worthwhile
(of course, they were anyway, but I am, after all, still very much a natural
man).  Nothing beats the fruits of the Spirit to help a new convert gain and
maintain a strong testimony.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Noel B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 9:10 AM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Tell Heidi

> Having watched many converts come into church, having stood at some of
> their baptisms and welcomed them into the ward, I have to say that this
> is true for the social aspects of the ward. However, attendence at Club
> Mormon is not what we will be judged on, in my opinion.
> The converts that I have seen stick are the ones who were taught to
> treasure and obtain spiritual experiences and learned how to look past
> the ward members 'human' characteristics. No amount of ward 'friends'
> can sustain a convert unless they are clearly taught how to seek and
> gain knowledge from God. With that knowledge comes the glue that holds
> them to the kingdom.
> Noel
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 1:50 AM
> >Subject: [ZION] Tell Heidi
> >
> >
> >Gary Smith has asked me to tell you, Heidi, that the best way
> >to retain a
> >new convert is to surround that person with friends in the
> >ward.  I would
> >add that it isn't always easy, but it has to be done.  And if
> >we don't do
> >it, we will have to answer for our negligence when we stand before the
> >Judge. --JWR
> >
> ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> ///  http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html      ///

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///  http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html      ///
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