Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:
> At 05:26 PM 11/2/2003 -0900, you wrote:
> >I am compiling a wish list of people I miss, people that I wish would 
> >actively participate on the list.  Would any of you care to help me make 
> >
> >my wish list?
> I can think of three quickly.
> Patty Crossett, Ron Scott (always good as a foil for the BLT), and D. 
> Craig 
> Huls.  These are three that I have met face to face.
> Till

Didn't know I was a foil. But, if I wasn't a kosher kind of guy I could 
go for a BLT.  What is a BLT, anyway?

BTW, Elmer, my youngest is dancing the Nutcracker.

Don't know why JWR recruited me, but I've never known an invitation I 
didn't accept, especially from him.  

Ron Scott
Still in Boston

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