> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Matkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 12:14 PM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Starts with G "Green House Gas"
> Ron Scott wrote:
> > But Bette Midler on ZION? Oy vey!The last time I saw
> > her live, she was strutting, singing and steaming before a crowd of
> > nearly-nekkid men at The Continental Baths in Manhattan. The things that
> > reporters have to endure to earn a living: sigh.
> >
> Was she cooing "You are the Wind Beneath my Feet...er... Wings?"  that
> would have been an endurance contest.

Nah, it was long before she turned to Muzak, years before she played Janice.
Her voice was strong, the words were bawdy, bluesy and torchy, and the
setting was decidedly edgy, even for Manhattan.  But, the fans loved
her...and so did I and I was wearing considerably more than a towell and
flip-flops. <grin>


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