I would MUCH rather watch a soccer game (or lacrosse game...or hockey
game...) than watch basketball.  I can't STAND basketball!  Watching it is,
for me, like being in the same room with a person who is running their
fingernails down a blackboard.  And... not only is basketball a terrible
sport, in my opinion, but the players - in addition to being freaks of
nature - are spoiled brats who make way too much money for what they do. Of
course, there are many players of other sports who are spoiled brats, also,
but it seems to me that basketball players are amongst the worst of the lot.

Soccer, lacrosse and hockey are such exciting games, and even more so when
one understands the rules & strategy.  One of my sisters plays on a co-ed
soccer team in the Washington DC area.  Recently, she got a yellow card (a
foul, in other words); the ref made what my sister felt to be a terrible
call and so, as she walked past him, she muttered "moron" under her breath.
The ref heard her and gave her a yellow card.  That's my Kimi!

Just my 2 cents worth...
Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
> From: Rusty Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 11/13/2003 11:45:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] Soccer Rules!
> Soccer in  my  personal opinion requires a lot more of everything than
> almost any other sport, and with all due respect to foot ball fans, there
> is no comparison between the two in terms of the physical and mental
> demands-- soccer wins  easily; foot ball-- the players get to take all
> sorts of breaks. soccer-- you run the whole time, 45 minute? halves and
> don't have the benefit of protective padding like our football players do.
> if you can't crawl off the field due to an injury, they will stop the game
> long enough to get you out of the way, and then it's back to the game :)
>  while it is true that normal size people can play soccer- for example, i
> was chief bench warmer on my college team- to make any headway in the
> sport, you have to be good. the rest of the world plays soccer like we
> baseball-- they are crazy about it. a few months ago we had a
> womanes game (I think) here in Seattle-- people flew in from Europe by the
> 1000's to see the game, and it was not even a league game !
> if you really want to drive dull nails into your head-- well, that's your
> choice, but personally, I find soccer a lot more fun to watch than
> or football. instead of nails, try flaming bamboo splinters under your
> fingernails :)
> just my opinion.
> Bob Taylor
> >From: "John W. Redelfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >I don't feel the way you do about football, soccer and baseball.
> >Professional football in this country cannot be played by
> >ordinary people.  They have to be giants.  It is the same way
> >with basketball: the best players are virtually freaks.  But
> >normal sized people can play soccer.
> >----------
> >Exactly my point.  Soccer is a wimpy sport that anyone can play.
> >Well, almost anyone.  I'm so wimpy I probably couldn't play it.
> >----------
> >As for baseball, well... when my kids all got stuck out in right
> >field while the coaches kid got to be pitcher I learned that
> >baseball, softball actually, wasn't much of a sport except for a
> >favored few.  When I put my kids in soccer they all got to play
> >their guts out every minute that they were in good enough shape
> >to play.
> >----------
> >Grampa Bill never let any of us kids play sports.  He thought
> >that we wouldn't study if we were playing.  I guess I showed him.
> >I didn't study anyway.  :-)
> >
> >At the time I wasn't too concerned about not playing sports, but
> >now I wish I had done something.  I will admit that those who
> >play soccer seem to have a good time.  I personally don't see how
> >you can call it "shooting" when the kicked ball goes no where
> >near the goal.  So I will grant you a point on soccer perhaps
> >being a fun game to play.  But I think I would rather drive dull
> >nails into my temples than to have to sit through watching a
> >soccer match.
> >
> >Cousin Bill
> >"Our country, right or wrong.  When
> >right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
> >to be put right." -- Carl Schurz
> >
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