I just wanted to share with you all something really neat.  You know, as
members of the church, it doesn't matter where we are, if we are with
fellow LDS, we have a lot to talk about.  It makes the world a smaller
place.  Inevitably, someone you meet knows someone you know, and you feel
a closer connection.  This is a story kinda like that.

Well, way back before our wards spilt, a young couple moved into the
ward.  They had no children and he was there to do a three year residency
at Memorial Hospital.  When they found out they could not have children,
they began adopting.  I remember Stacy crying as she held her first baby
girl, saying, "She's so beautiful.  I'd have taken her if she were
homely, but look at her, she's just soo beautiful!"  They were blessed
with a second daughter, and just this past month, a son.

When Miles finished his residency, he set up practice here.  I have
always felt so close to Miles and Stacy.  When Tom died, Miles was a huge
source of comfort.  I was extremely ill during the visitation, so I had
to sit down to receive people, and Miles knelt down, held my hand, and
spoke as a great priethood leader, of things not of this world, but in
the world to come.  Just lately, he was called as Bishop (about a month
ago) for the South Bend Ward.  

O.K. now, I love doing genealogy.  I have always loved reading histories
and uncovering the mysteries we call ancestors.  I especially love
reading my dad's history.  He died 23 years ago, so I feel close to him
when I read his stuff.  Last year, my sister found a legal pad that had
Dad's handwritten draft of the typed history we all have.  It is
different from the typed version, more raw and with details he left out
of the typed version for some reason.  I used that handwritten version to
share with my students this week, my dad's expreiences in WWII (we are
doing a veteran's unit).  Thursday, after I'd read this to my last class,
I decided to re-read it for myself.  I love to read his thoughts.  Well,
page 13 contained some notes he scribbled.  It was obviously his notes
for the section he called the "Fabulous Fifties."  It was during the 50's
that he married my mom, had most of us kids, and joined the church. (as a
side note, Orrin Hatch was one of my parent's missionaries).

Anyway, one of the little notes said, 7 Dec 1957 Pat. Blessing,  Reed
Andrew, Detrioit Stake.  Now, I have seen my dad's patriarchal blessing
numerous times.  I love reading over it.  What I had never connected, is
that his patriarch, Reed Andrew, didn't have an 's' on the end of his
name.  (connecting point here)  This is the same as Miles and Stacy
Andrew.  As it turns out, Reed is Miles's grandfather!  Stacy said that
Reed is the one who sealed them when they were married--that he was a
sealer in Salt Lake, and got special permission to fly to Chicago to seal
them.  How cool is that!  Reed has since passed, but think about this;
when my parents were baptized, they lived in Ohio.   What are the odds,
that in Northern Indiana, some 46 years later, descendents of early
midwest saints would connect like this.

Gotta love the TRUE church.


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