> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elmer L. Fairbank [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 8:30 AM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] The Return of the King
> At 04:18 AM 11/18/2003 -0900, BLT wrote:
> >RB Scott wrote:
> >>Ah. The Harry Potter syndrome. Now I understand.,
> >
> >Now you understand and I am confused.  What is this Harry Potter
> >syndrome?  I didn't like the Harry Potter movie that I saw.  In fact, I
> >never went to see the next one.  And I have never read one of the
> >books.  Is it possible that you are just too old to like fantasy?  I
> >thought you were my age.  I am the same age as Mel Perkins.
> Yes, Tolkein has redeeming social value.  I have always been fascinated
> with his characterizations and I thought the movie version did a
> reasonable
> job of bringing them to life.  Potter, on the other hand, while
> entertaining, reminds me a great deal of the Hardy Boys (turns handle on
> crank for the next installment).  Has it's use, but .......

Ah yes, "redeeming social value:" an eye-of-the-beholder matter if there
ever was one.


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