I also liked Harry Potter (the books are better than the movies), however
LOTR movies are very good, though I still love the books more.
I don't like much of Salinger. Am a big fan of Dickens and Irving.
Dickinson's poetry is some of the best there is: I can still hear the
flies buzzing.
One of the more intriguing books I'd read in my youth was: My Name Is
Asher Lev.  Potok's showing ultra-orthodox Jews struggling in a
Gentile-Christian world was great. And I always drink my orange juice
quickly, so the vitamins don't leak out.  
Haven't read much Wolfe nor any of Freeman's.
Mostly, I read doctrinal writings, science, and translations of ancient
writings. Reading Hugh Nibley in my early twenties almost destroyed my
brain for anything light hearted or easy. I had to retrain myself to read
lighter stuff (like Tolkien  ;-)

The LOTR is an event-driven story. The world in which the hobbits live is
drastically changed, and the epic doesn't end with the destruction of
Sauron, but with the reestablishment of the old hobbit order, with the
magic folk retiring to other lands over the seas. (for a good explanation
of Middle Earth, read Tolkien's Silmarillion, as he explains its entire
history).  It is an epic.  World war, huge years-long journeys, deaths,
and moments of hope are all included. Tolkien said he based it upon a
medieval Europe with Christian ideals laced within it. Several characters
emulate different traits of the Savior: Frodo is the lowly Redeemer and
destroyer of the darkness. Aragorn represents the returned King, who
conquers his enemies and reigns over a long period of peace. Sam is the
symbol of patience and hope in a hopeless situation, returning to the
Shire and restoring it after it is destroyed by Saruman (sorry, for those
of you who haven't read the book!). There are other symbols in the books,
showing that darkness can be destroyed, even when all is seemingly beyond

K'aya K'ama,

Gerald (Gary) Smith     
http://www.geocities.com/rameumptom/index.html         LDS Evidences,
Family History, Food Storage, etc.

I liked Harry Potter and have read all the books (because my children
I liked the movie as well. Ditto Lord of The Rings.  However, as a rule,
neither are my cups of tea. My tastes and interests run more to the likes
of: Dickens, Irving, Roth, Salinger, Dickinson, Potok, Wolfe. I thought
Judith Freeman's (my first of her) was well crafted.

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