At 09:25 PM 3/9/04, Grampa Bill in Savannah wrote:
Rick Mathis wrote:

So, Bill, is she married? I have a 25 year old menace to society who doesn't seem to be making much movement in that direction.

============================= Grampa answers.

She's single and IMHO a knock-out beauty. She has, however, been going steady with a non-member for some eight years now. She has sworn she would not marry outside the temple, but I see no signs of either marriage or her dumping him. Her older sister's opinion is she's just gotten comfortable and doesn't want to re-enter the dating scene, but then, Older Sister has an opinion on most everything.

Yer boy TR eligible or card-carrying? RM?

Nitpick for discussion concerning your questions:

So is it you or she who would not consider marriage to, frex, someone who held a TR but joined the Church too late to serve a mission as a young man?

-- Ronn! :)

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