At 03:43 PM 3/16/2004, you wrote:
--- W. Cleon Skousen ---
> But the Lord isn't going to allow this government to be destroyed.
> Although administrations may destroy themselves, systems may destroy
> themselves, this country's going to survive. J. Reuben Clark knew how it
> would survive: build track two. Don't get in front of that train on
> track
> one, it will just run over you. You quietly build track two.

Steve, thanks also for posting this.  It was a very interesting
read.  But just what did Bro. Skousen mean by "track two"?
Was this a reference to the Church, to a parallel government of
some sort, or to both?  /Sandy/

The Rabinowitz Family --
Spring Hill, Tennessee

I don't know what Skousen meant. My best guess though is that when and if the U.S. Government and the Constitution fail, those properly educated in constitutional matters will be able to restore it.

Steven Montgomery

"Our leisure, even our play, is a matter of serious
concern. There is no neutral ground in the universe:
every square inch, every split second, is claimed by
God and counter-claimed by Satan." —C. S. Lewis

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