> -----Original Message-----
> From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: March 19, 2004 2:37 PM
> Subject: [ZION] Musical Instruments Survey
> How many of you play a musical instrument?  How well do you play?  I'm
> curious about the musical makeup of the Zion list.
> John W. Redelfs sings well, plays the piano fairly, and the violin

I sing a bit. Bass in my quartet, and I sometimes have to handle the
tenor when that guy doesn't show up but it's scary when I do.  I used to
play the flute and even blew the saxophone a time or two in a dance band
that I played with. I love to beat on my guitar, but I have peripheral
neuropathy in my hands and arm and I can't do it for long or without
suffering the consequences. I was never any good at it. I love the
harmonica, straight and blues. I'm not good but that doesn't stop me and
with the blues harp who really knows the difference? I think they should
throw away all those recorders in schools and teach the harmonica.
Doesn't the USA have about a million people in jail at any one time?
They could all be enjoying themselves playing the harmonica if they had
been taught in grade school. Do you ever hear anyone on death row
playing the recorder?


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