Thanks to Yaron for this one.

We need to support Israel here in a huge way.  As you saw from my email to
This American Life, your call CAN make a difference.  Call.

Also, information on useful film resource archives at the bottom.

"TAKE 5" and Make a Difference!

This URGENT ALERT item has been forwarded to MEET from our reader, Sara
Miller from Queens, NY who suggests we all phone in our views on this issue:

The Arab American Institute has decided to lobby Congress this Wednesday,
March 12 against providing $12 billion in aid and loan guarantees to Israel.
We need to fight back by making this Wednesday,  March 12 our call-in day
too. This Wednesday all of us should take 5 minutes to call the White House
and our senators and representatives to lobby for Israel to get the promised
loan guarantees.

Because there may be a flood of calls from anti-Israel terror supporters, we
could acknowledge that by saying something like this: "I'm calling to show
my support for Israel and to request that you put through the $12 billion in
aid and loan guarantees for Israel.

"I know you may be receiving lots of calls today from anti-Israel terror
supporters who defend people like recently indicted Islamic Jihad terrorist
leader Sami al-Arian, but please remember that Israel is a democracy and our
only true ally in the Middle East. The extremist Arab groups calling in to
beg you not to support Israel are no friends of either America or democracy.
"Please ensure that Israel, our one stable ally in the Middle East, gets the
support it needs to survive."

PLEASE PHONE IN ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12. If we fight the radical Arab groups,
we can make a difference! Our voices matter.
The White House number is 202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111. For the number of
your senator or  representative, go to, type in your zip
code, click "Go!,"
then under the picture of your senator, click on "info" and you'll see his
phone number. (For example, New York senator Chuck Schumer's numbers are
212-486-4430 and 202-224-6542.) Please call!

"TAKE 5" and Watch a Movie!

Virtual Cinema at the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive [3-9-2003]
Jack de Lowe of Raanana, Israel pointed me to the website of the Virtual
Cinema at the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive.  The Archive was founded
at Hebrew University in the late 1960s and is the world's prime location of
documentary and artistic film about Israel and Jewish life.  Since 1987 the
Archive has been named in honor of Steven Spielberg.
The Archive website is a remarkable Internet resource that has emerged from
the desire to make the film holdings available to as large an audience as
possible.  Even though film viewing across the Internet is somewhat limited,
this is still a tremendous advance in the availability of priceless
treasures of film such as those made by Zionist groups in Palestine before
the founding of the State of Israel and film records of Jewish communities
in Europe, communities that were destroyed during World War II.
The Spielberg Archive is the official depository for films made by Zionist
organizations in Palestine as they developed the country before 1948.
Amateur and professional films from Jewish communities around the world
dating back to the 19th century are now preserved there.  The collection
includes many films from the Holocaust period and the post-war experiences
of survivors as well as official and unofficial films about Israel since
statehood in 1948.

Over 100 films from this remarkable collection have been released for
Internet access via this starting page:
Currently access is set up for users of Microsoft Internet Explorer and the
Microsoft Media player.  There is a troubleshooting guide on the website if
you have problems or questions about software for viewing the films.
More information about the work of the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
can be found by starting with their home page:
In addition to the Virtual Cinema, the site has a very interesting
collection of film posters.  They also offer videos for sale.
Chuck Chriss
President, JIA

Mid East Education Team reaches both college students and adults in the
Jewish  and non-Jewish communities with multimedia presentations, workshops,
in depth e letters,  and forums.  M.E.E.T.šs unique approach is
non-confrontational yet dedicated to educating the public on the rights of
Jews to live in the Jewish homeland. Our board includes Jews, Christians,
Muslims and others who are dedicated to supporting awareness of the critical
issues that effect the future of  Israel, the Middle East, and the world.

Suite 72
322 Pine Tree Road
Ithaca, NY 14850-2819

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