---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 11:18:27 -0500
Subject: Fwd: JAT 30 May 2003: Petition to President Bush
>SUBJ:   Petition to President Bush
>At a 10 am press conference today in Manhattan, the
>Interdenominational Rabbinic Committee, coordinated by Amcha
>(the Coalition for Jewish Concerns), released the text of a
>letter they sent to President George W. Bush. The letter
>was signed by 375 congregational rabbis who serve hundreds
>of thousands of American Jews from the three major branches
>of Judaism and represent the entire religious and political
>spectrum of the Jewish community. Never before have so many
>diverse congregational rabbis come together to sign a letter
>of consensus on such an important issue affecting Israel.
>Noting the overwhelming grassroots response to the letter,
>the rabbis announced the launching of a drive to garner one
>million American signatures. The petition can be viewed at
>         http://www.cjcamcha.org/
>    or
>         http://www.petitiononline.com/amcha503
>1. Sign the petition.
>2. Spread the word.
>To:  President George W. Bush
>President George W. Bush
>The White House
>1600 Pennsylvania Ave
>Washington, DC 20500
>Dear President George W. Bush,
>We support and commend your courageous leadership in the
>Middle East and are sincerely grateful for your further
>deepening of the strong ties between America and Israel.
>Mr. President, on June 24, 2002 you presented your vision
>for achieving peace in the region. You concluded by saying,
>    this moment is both an opportunity and a test for
>    all parties in the Middle East – an opportunity to
>    lay the foundations for future peace, a test to show
>    who's serious about peace and who is not. The choice
>    here is stark and simple. The Bible says, "I have
>    set before you life and death, therefore choose
>    life." The time has arrived for everyone in this
>    conflict to choose peace and hope and life.
>The undersigned Americans, representing the entire religious
>and political spectrum of the country, are united in the
>belief that to fulfill your vision, the relationship between
>Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) must be governed
>by the following principles:
>1) The PA must renounce the notion of a Palestinian "Right
>    of Return" to the Jewish State. This ostensible "right"
>    is a ploy to destroy the State of Israel. Were the
>    millions of Palestinians currently living throughout the
>    world actually resettled in Israel, the Jewish State
>    would cease to exist.
>2) The PA must dismantle the existing terrorist
>    infrastructure and end its anti-Semitic incitement to
>    violence before the Road Map is implemented. Additional
>    obligations on the parties must be introduced
>    sequentially, not simultaneously.
>3) Road Map advancement must be based on performance, not on
>    arbitrary timetables that encourage noncompliance.
>Adherence to these principles offers the best prospect of
>"peace and hope and life" that we all pray for daily.
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>Visit the JAT-Action home page at
>    http://JAT-Action.org
>Contact JAT at
>(no need to write to both addresses -- they reach the
>same people)
>* make your viewpoint clear in the first sentence;
>* do not use inflammatory or abusive language;
>* be specific, positive, and professional;
>* let your points do the talking;
>* letters sent by fax or mail are more effective;
>* phone calls may be the most effective;
>* messages sent by email are less effective
>FOLLOW-UP: Whenever you receive a substantive response to
>your correspondence, please send a copy of that response
>along with your original correspondence, to:
>    email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    FAX:         208-247-0658
>If you know others who could help this effort, they
>can join by sending an email message to:
>The message can have any subject or contents. The only
>requirement is that it be addressed as above.
>Should you need to remove yourself from the list, send
>a message to:
>The subject and contents of the messages do not matter;
>they can even be blank.
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