[Julien Anguenot]
> Note I added couple of weeks ago a comment about this within the
> README.txt of ZODB.

I see that you also left the old instructions in README.txt on ZODB trunk,
so that anyone who reads the whole thing is left with no idea what to try

> """
> To test the build, first build the externals and add the src dir to
>     % python setup.py build_ext -i
>     % export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/src:$PYTHONPATH
> Then run the test script::
>     % python test.py
> """

Why are you changing PYTHONPATH?  That shouldn't be needed -- test.py itself
adds "src" to sys.path (if you have done "setup.py build_ext -i" and have
not done "setup.py build"; if you do both, it has to guess, and favors the


    setup.py build
    python test.py

should work too; it's a bug that it doesn't (and it worked fine within the
last few months), but I don't have time for it now.

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