Tim Peters wrote:
[Jens Vagelpohl]
Running the tests on the current ZODB trunk using a self.built
Python 2.4.2 on OS X (10.4.3) the following test fails:

They fail the same way on my Windows box and a random Linux box today ...

OK, Dmitry, you fixed the spelling (replaced "onnection" with "connection")
in an error message in serialize.py several days ago (revision 40617), but
you didn't run the tests before you checked this in.  Please repair the
testcrossdatabasereferences test to match the repaired spelling (and run the
tests this time -- this is especially important since, as above, regular
testing of ZODB is no longer being done).  If that change got merged to any
branches (sorry, I'm having major connectivity problems with zope.org just
now and can't find out), of course those should be repaired too.  Thanks!

Oops, my bad. I couldn't imagine that misspelled text could been used in any doctests so I had omitted the testing phase because I was in some hurry. :-( And unfortunately I was far from any computers for past few days.

Thanks for the fix!

Dmitry Vasiliev (dima at hlabs.spb.ru)
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