On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Alan Runyan <runy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A design pattern for RDBMS is to have 2 pools. READ pool and WRITE pool.
> Often the READ pool comes from some replica and WRITE is to the master.
> I'm unsure this pattern would work for ZODB.  I know Malthe was thinking
> about this but unsure if he had anything concrete.

Would both pools be used by a single process? Or is the assumption that
some applications would have a read-only view of the database and some
have a read-write view.

We've had customers that used read-only replicas.  We've thought of
doing the ourselves, but so far, the benefit hasn't outweighed the hassle
of separating our applications into read-only and read-write instances.


Jim Fulton
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